Tuesday, August 2, 2011







Chapter 2


Concealing the magnitude of clutter, either through spreading it out or hiding it is an approach that is guaranteed to work by the first Law of REDUCTION + what to hide and where to put it


S = sort

L = label

I = integrate

P =prioritize

Slip is a freeform process for finding answers to the question of what goes with what? Chaos brought to order, finding the organizational scheme that works best for you or what task is at hand is a wise investment

Getting organized slip is only one idea, there are many others animated text grows from trees, images pop out of a fishbone structuring pattern and ideas float and fly in realistic 3D landscapes.

Visual presentation of information is a topic that supposed to lend the magic possibility of creating order from chaos.

In the written text where coma, hyphen, full stops, question mark, semi colleen all break up text for it to become legible.

This is also true with programming codes are written in a special dialect that those trained in it only under stand when used strategically, tabbing and similarly the use of the space and return keys, gifts the chaos of clutter with the lightest touch of visual design.

Asking of a question

A. What program do you use?

B. What principle do you use?



1. What does the acronym SLIP mean according to Maeda?

a. Sort, label, integrate, and prioritize

2. Define each character of the acronym, SLIP in one sentence

a. Slip is a freeform process for finding answers to the question of what goes with what?

3. What does Maeda say is only a pinkie away?

a. The quick path to simplicity i

4. Why is this important to us as designers?

a. To prevent confusion

5. What are the principles of gestalt psychological theory?

a. To seek the most appropriate conceptual fit/ fill in the blanks

6. Where might one find the aesthetics of blur?

a. With artist who use the squint of the eye with and whilst doing their art work

7. Why is blur important in interactive design?

a. Because it blurs all controls into one image of simplicity

8. Why do good designers squint when they look at something?

a. They squint to see the forest from the trees – to find the right balance


Non verbal communication done in pairs each describe 4 different interpretations of each

1. A person nods his /her head up and down

a. Yes or no depends in what country you may be, in a direction of information for a person to look at something, in beat with a tune of music

2. A person’s lower lip trembles slightly

a. Cold, sulking, scared,

3. A person smiles slightly

a. Half hearted, had a stroke, sarcastic, smirking

4. A person yawns

a. Lack of oxygen, tired, bored, acting

5. A person shrugs his/her shoulders

a. Information unknown, don’t care attitude, exercising, shoulder hurting

6. A person inhale’s quickly

a. Gasping for oxygen, having an asthma attack, croup, sudden pain

map of location


  1. You got more to say than this image Carol!

    Will check back later.

  2. Much better... I see you have gone for a simple approach with this blog entry, one liner responses to the questions and a very "less is more" style of answering these questions. Less clutter, more quality. The answers are relevant and to the point.

    Well done.
