Monday, August 22, 2011







Chapter 3



Uncountable seconds, minutes weeks spent waiting for something

Waiting can be tense or annoying, depending on a persons patients e.g. bumper to bumper traffic, waiting for the results of a medical test, waiting for water on the stove to boil waiting for the seasons to change or the weather, waiting for the bus,

No one likes to suffer, the frustration of waiting; consumers and companies, often try to find ways to beat the ticking hand of time. To find the quickest option or any other means to reduce our frustration we attribute efficiency to the perceived simplicity of experience


1. What is the major benefit of saving time?

a. Cost effective, functional, effectiveness

2. How do designers integrate time into their products?

a. By time annalist, which is from point A to point B how long does it take to finish this is what occurs the cost. Danger money, or person risk is also included, travel, material, outside employment.

3. Explain the relationship between, making waiting shorter, with making waiting more tolerable?

a. Remove all constraints,

e.g. the round a bought versus the traffic light, the ATM versus the Teller, the check out chick versus the self serve check out, thus one is letting a machine choose for you, or a barrier none electrical work for you

4. How can you use your timeline to increase your own efficiency as a designer?

a. For effective costing use timeline guide to see were you can improve even to save 5 minutes, for if what you where to make on mass production times this by 100 you have saved 500 minutes or 8hours 33 minutes in monetary time payment.

5. Briefly outline an event or activity in which you are adept at time saving?

a. Shopping, when shopping I choose a time when there will be hardly any one in the shop for then there is no long wait at the checkout.

6. What part of your design/multimedia process do you need to improve at, in terms of saving time?

a. Extra studying of programs to become familiar with their functions to become proficient, with their term - ology,


Taking time to learn a task is that you often feel you are wasting time, a violation of the third Law.

The thing is you always need to read the instructions first, learning occurs best when there is a desire to attain specific knowledge. In some it’s the challenge to learn that motivates.


Teach how to think not what to think


B = Basics

R = Repeat yourself often

A = Avoid desperation which is negative versus motivation which is positive

I = Inspire with example

N = Never to forget to repeat yourself


RTFM = read the f*cking manual /

But if there is none to read you will have to look for familiar area, so fill the blanks from previous knowledge on similar projects

The reward can come from progress the same as the saying,

You need to crawl before you walk and you learn the danger’s in-between with a few bumps and bruises but through it all from baby to toddler then child there is growth, knowledge and skill with repeating, which then we retain for advance learning this can be related to all fields of work and learning.

1 comment:

  1. Time.... what a big job for all of us to deal with. It rules our lives. I have found through my own study that spending time in organising my time really does pay off. By taking time out and focusing on how I am spending my time I can see ways in which I can spend it more efficiently. Time is a commodity and a precious one at that, how we spend it can directly effect the quality of all the things we do from professional to personal.

    Very prophetic look at time-saving and the learning process in your last statement. Time is the measure by which we all live our lives.
