Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Week 02


image of horse from


Communication channels need to be open for people to learn and to be understood, what is required of them in there field of work, to learn what they wish to learn e.g. carpentry, technology, doctors, nurses, office work all have there own language, an people can only learn once the term-ology in there chosen field is understood, does not matter if it is a trade or a professional career

People learn from observation, eye contact, body language, posture, and voice if these are not a positive action of communication and become a negative experience people can be turned away from their goal to learn, even bullies have an impact, if there happen to be any at a school of learning whether student or lecturer, office worker or any in administration, can make people not want to participate.

Experiment in class between two students in mime

No words spoken only actions, each having to guess what the meaning of the word is

Hammer, drinking, open space, time

Observer has to name the word, with out seeing an object or touching an object with no sound.

Objectivity is to stay focused, share, and communicate

Discussion of having an exhibition

What should be thought of prior to the leading up to the final day of an exhibition

Doing this there should be a committee formed with team leaders with members in each team, then allocated jobs to follow through with flexibility for members to change teams depending on their abilities

To be able to bounce ideas of each other towards a successful goal for all and be constructive, enlighten, plan, define, safety, theft and think of solution.

You do not necessary need to agree, but can advance an idea collectively to be a bigger idea to be desirable and workable

IDEO DEEP DIVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M66ZU2PCIcM

Groups should be able to consult with other’s that may have put on an exhibition previously, gain as much information an ideas as possible

Image of child from


Image of elder man from


Perspectives thought for groups

1) Stake holder > Fundraising > Donations >

2) Navigation > Transport to Exhibition > Map

3) Advertising Printing > Invitation’s > Location > Flyers > Poster’s > Brand

Content > Tag for work on exhibition

4) Planner > Time Table > Date > Running Time > Security > Approval of venue > Location > Insurance > Caterer > Check Amenities’ >

5) Media Publicity > contact for Radio > TV > Guest speaker for opening to give recognition to sponsors premonition of CDU and students

Ushers all Students> Dress Code

Students to assemble and disassemble exhibition work, lecturers may help were appropriate

All work to be tagged

1 comment:

  1. Love the images Carol and couldn't agree more with your sentiments on learning, it needs to be an enjoyable experience and too often all is lost in communication.

    Great perspective on team work in preparing for this exhibition. Hopefully the group can all maintain this viewpoint as the weeks draw on. I am not sure you all will but there in lies the learning :-)

    Well done.
