Tuesday, September 20, 2011




Book revue

The Laws of Simplicity


John Maeda



Every day the computer becomes increasingly smarter, it already knows your name, address, and credit card number, knowing where Aunt Mabel lives and having watched you write a letter to her before, the computer can send a fair approximation of a kindly email to her from you, just click an button and the deed could be done finished, but that price of not having to think is trust.

Learning how to swim is one example, with this come’s the enjoyment learning that you can advance, to the next level.

The goal of LEAN BACK is to achieve relaxation as the desired state, upon which audio and video can gradually invade, but not with intent to intrude. We can only truly relax when we trust that were in the finest hands and are treated with the best intentions.

Thus commitment is rendered meaningless when for every action; there is a corresponding un-action.

Learn to undo the trust when not deserved

How much do you need to know about a system?


How much does the system know about you?



Alice in Wonderland


Your mailing list would have to be accurate with name and addresses up to date, you may compose a letter whether business or personal that could go to many, which then the computer would deal with, but if it was a sensitive matter business or personal, it would be better to compose a letter for that subjects intent.

For not all can be trusted to the computer, some need individual attention, in water you need to trust that you can float, and that there is a person near you that if you go under knows how to swim, more so if you are a beginner LEAN BACK AND FLOAT, children have this trust for they are experiencing the world for the first time, so in love they trust.

Some lean back’s have a price attached only some are free, if you were in a restaurant the chef cooks but the meal is not free but you lean back let some one else do the cooking so there is a price attached to the meal.

That which is free may be looking at the sun set or feeling the wind on your face standing on top of a hill, looking at a view over the ocean, these lean backs are free.

Computer program’s that may help you have it easier with compiling your subject are not free some have a limited free trial but in the end you need to decide to buy or not, to rely on the spelling correction in a computer depends if you are Australian or American spelling, if you keep trusting the computer with out checking you could end up with a letter that is not readable, look before you hit the change button.


1. Provide an example of a situation where you have to have trust – in the same vein as the author in his swimming lesson example. What made you trust in this situation and how did you feel?


Government in all departments that they are doing the best for a community, some times I think their got a method in their madness, it’s the same as walking across the street in heavy traffic, pray that a car does not hit you.

2. Where in our exhibition do we need to instill trust? Give examples. How are we going to achieve this?


With each other we trust, that each are doing what they are suppose to do, with back up if there is a failing e.g. accident, sickness. With exhibition make people welcomed with hospitality, offering nibbles and drinks with location map to see exhibitions.

3. What strategies are used to instill trust? Examples? Where do we need to employ this in Ten Squared? How are we going to do this?


To enjoy what you are learning to relax, chill out have some fun, reliability, communication.

4. If you could “undo” any aspect of the preparation for the exhibition to-date, what would you “undo”? With this in mind, what would you change now in your preparation strategy to overcome having to “undo” anything?


If undoing be careful what you undo that it is the correct thread to pull, for if the wrong one all would unravel, like a string of wool in a jumper, in the exhibition time line should have started earlier, sponsors should have been contacted last year, fund raising should be done for the next year.

5. Homework: How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to the up here exhibition? Provide a short explanation and example for each of the laws so far.


Using what is already available and extending on it

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