Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week _10

Chapter 9


The Law’s of Simplicity


John Maeda


Some things cannot be made simple; knowing that simplicity can be elusive in certain cases is an opportunity to make more constructive use of your time in the future, instead of chasing after an apparently impossible goal.

Even when success is deemed as too costly or otherwise out of reach, a return on failure when you try to simplify which is to learn from your mistakes. When faced with failure, a good artist, or nay other member of the creative class, leverages the unfortunate event to radically shift perspective

One man’s failed experiment in simplicity can be another man’s success as a beautiful form of complexity for simplicity and complexity shift with subtle changes in point to view


1. Using Ten Squared as an example, describe an aspect of your work or something you have worked on, where you have found a symbiotic relationship that is both complexity and simplicity


Art in any form but one area comes to mind when doing hairdressing, the ability to manage hair whether cutting or styling, for hair comes in many textures e.g. thin, thick, then if colouring different shades where the hair has different absorptions rate of dye, yet knowing the fall over a cow-lick.

2. Provide a conceptual example of a situation that has arisen during this project where you have had a return on failure?


Using different programs such as Pro-tools or Final Cut a few was try try again if not right try again

3. Homework: How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to the Ten Squared exhibition? Provide a short explanation and example for TWO of the laws so far. Use your work towards and your examples.


Positive attitude, except what may be acceptable if it complements what you are doing, patients. E.g. fund raising [waiting for reply’s]

Like to thank Hungry Jack’s for their donation of meal deal voucher’s

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