Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The Laws of Simplicity


John Maeda

Technology and life only become complex if you let it be so


When your entire life is reduced, what memories might you enshrine? Life may be complex, but in the end, life is simple.

Effect of technology can be humorous, exhilarating enabler; it can be an exasperating disabler as well.



Technology is only as good as the user, the one who has the knowledge of how to operate the program, different levels for different people, same if any were to become a doctor, electrician, or a plumber.


1. Communication Methods Emerging Technologies

1. Emerging Technologies

3. Idea adaptation

Week _11

Chapter 10


Is about subtracting

The obvious


Adding the meaningful


John Maeda


Think of the power of Google which runs from a simple, lightweight text input box in your web browser to access Google’s vast network of computers and databases. You are spared having to house your own massive racks of computing equipment required to process a Google query. More appears like less by simply moving it far, far away. The experience is made simpler by keeping the result local, and moving the actual work to a far away location.



Remote servers have been the in things for a lot of business, where they can buy storage, for their program’s as well as their files, this comes with a manager to make storage feasible, but such storage comes at a price, for a small business may not be economical.

Where it is advisable to use an external hard drive in three different locations to store data, so that if one fails there is back up.

Security needs to be considered, for personal, medical, history, business data.

1. What does Maeda call the 3 keys?


Key 1 Away = More appears like less by simply moving it far, far away

Key 2 Open = Openness simplifies complexity

Key 3 Power = Use less, gain more

2. Describe how you have used these in your work towards TEN SQUARED? Give at least one example of each key.


Key 1 Away = More appears like less by simply moving it far, far away = using photo from same area interacting with similar visual colours and theme, using external USB stick or internet for further information

Key 2 Open = Openness simplifies complexity = with area photos a boarder adjoining a colour scheme, sourcing information using free graphic from on line information in Blog’s


With an open system, the power of the many can outweigh the power of the few


Key 3 Power = Use less, gain more = in one banner less photos give clear view of area taken to descript area and what is there, in the computer world wireless is more with less, batteries can now last longer then 10 hours before recharging, so can be taken into remote area’s

3. Describe an incident in the production of TEN SQUARED where technology has been an enabler…. and another where it has been a disabler!


The programs learnt have been very helpful, but the computers when it gets the beach ball of death spiraling, time is lost if the computer crashes be saving it is time wasted

4. At this stage in the exhibition process you are all working on some element or process for the big event. List 3 things (in your current project) that you could take away to simplify and one thing you could add for meaning.


1/ one thing to take away, is too many reels of film to choose from, with no converter compatibility to work with

2/ too take away would be fundraising at end of semester, should be done at the beginning of semester

3/ Check sponsor list, start a new one

1/ One thing to add is a converter that is compatible to work with any film file source

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week _10

Chapter 9


The Law’s of Simplicity


John Maeda

Some things cannot be made simple; knowing that simplicity can be elusive in certain cases is an opportunity to make more constructive use of your time in the future, instead of chasing after an apparently impossible goal.

Even when success is deemed as too costly or otherwise out of reach, a return on failure when you try to simplify which is to learn from your mistakes. When faced with failure, a good artist, or nay other member of the creative class, leverages the unfortunate event to radically shift perspective

One man’s failed experiment in simplicity can be another man’s success as a beautiful form of complexity for simplicity and complexity shift with subtle changes in point to view


1. Using Ten Squared as an example, describe an aspect of your work or something you have worked on, where you have found a symbiotic relationship that is both complexity and simplicity


Art in any form but one area comes to mind when doing hairdressing, the ability to manage hair whether cutting or styling, for hair comes in many textures e.g. thin, thick, then if colouring different shades where the hair has different absorptions rate of dye, yet knowing the fall over a cow-lick.

2. Provide a conceptual example of a situation that has arisen during this project where you have had a return on failure?


Using different programs such as Pro-tools or Final Cut a few was try try again if not right try again

3. Homework: How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to the Ten Squared exhibition? Provide a short explanation and example for TWO of the laws so far. Use your work towards and your examples.


Positive attitude, except what may be acceptable if it complements what you are doing, patients. E.g. fund raising [waiting for reply’s]

Like to thank Hungry Jack’s for their donation of meal deal voucher’s